Perspectives, axonometrics and isometrics

How to draw a perspective drawing of a garden

What is a perspective?

A perspective drawing creates depth as opposed to orthogonal drawings which are common e.g. plan view, sections, and elevation. We are trying to show the 3d nature of the world on the 2d medium paper.

Drawing one point Perspectives

This is what you would see in a photograph. A photo is taken through one lens creating a one point perspective.

Drawing two point perspectives

Top down perspectives

This is a drawing that is not commonly used in drawing sets. Though it is an attractive addition if you have the time and is quite easy to draw from an existing plan view drawing.



Session Outline

  • What is a perspective?

  • Drawing one point perspectives

  • Drawing two point perspectives

  • Top down perspectives

  • Isometrics

  • Axonometrics
