Estimate of Probable Cost

This is aimed at helping students navigate the quoting process for landscape design

Why do we estimate?

During the design phase we are working to a brief which should contain a budget. If you draw a garden that can’t be built for close to the price agreed on in the brief, then you haven’t completed your part of the contract and aren’t entitled to be paid.

How do we estimate?

There are a few ways to do it each with problems:

  1. Use historical data - As you create projects that go through to construction you can collect the quoted prices for different elements and use the averages to estimate their future prices.

  2. Use costing guides - There are a variety of costing guides which can be used to cost common constructed items. Some cover the entire construction industry and others are specific to landscaping. It is common for local industry associations to create these.

  3. Use benchmark rates per m2 - It is possible to apply out rates per meter squared for different standards of landscaping and different ratios of hard vs soft landscaping interventions which will get you into the ballpark for simple gardens. This can be a great way to start before you start design by working out the total area of the garden and multiplying it out by a benchmark rate.


Lesson Outline

  • Why do we need to estimate?

  • How do we estimate?

  • How much does a landscape construction cost?