Street Trees

Benefits and uses of trees in residential projects and streetscapes

What are the benefits of trees?

Small Trees

There isn’t a huge selection of small trees but they are in high demand with an ever shrinking yard size in the cities.

Some common small trees in Victoria

  • Lagerstroemia indica

  • Cercis candensis

  • Cercis ‘Avondale’

  • Acer palmatum

  • Acca sellowiana

  • Agonis flexuosa

  • Dodonaea viscosa purpurea

  • Callistemon viminalis

  • Morus alba

  • Banksia integrifolia

  • Banksia marginata

  • Betula papyrifera

  • Prunus - various

  • Olea europaea

  • Acer dissectum

  • Dracaena draco

  • Backhousia

  • Pinus ‘Fastigiagta’

  • Picea pungens ‘Fat Albert’

  • Malus - various

  • Citrus - various

  • Eucalyptus pauciflora

  • Eucalyptus caesia

  • Corymbia - Grafted and new cultivars

  • Eucalyptus ‘Euky Dwarf Gum’

Large Trees

Large trees create an ambience that nothing else is capable of. They can fill an entirety of a front yard like a protective cloak. But they can also destroy foundations and invade water pipes.

Large trees completely change the feeling of a neighbourhood. They are planted out with great intentions, but rarely enjoyed by the planters by the time they reach maturity.


  • Shade

  • Humidity

  • Street and property value

  • Lowering of heating bills

  • Change the mood of a space


  • Can effect foundations and paving

  • Find there way into water pipes

  • Some can be allergenic

  • Danger with large limbs over buildings

  • Suckers

  • Fruit on ground

Street Trees

Street trees can really change the feel and function of a street and also the health of its inhabitants.

  • Increased foot traffic

  • Reduce visual pollution

  • Storm-water management

  • Habitat and corridors

  • Cleaning the air

  • Reduced heat island effect

Street Tree Guideline - Landcom NSW Govenerment

Street Tree Planting and Management Guidelines - Warnambool City Council

Streetscape Framework - Melbourne City Council

Streetscape Masterplan - Moreland City Council

Benefits of Urban Street Trees - Dan Burden

Session Outline

  • Street trees

  • Small trees

  • Large trees

  • Street tree guidelines

  • Health



Street Tree Guideline - Landcom NSW Govenerment

Street Tree Planting and Management Guidelines - Warnambool City Council

Streetscape Framework - Melbourne City Council

Streetscape Masterplan - Moreland City Council

